Tutorial Part 2: Writing the basic components.
now, let's create a directory(which is a fancy term for a folder.) and name it Components
in this folder we're going to create a folder called components.py
now we're going to write a basic component which has the title, the body and the author.
Now before we write anything let me quickly give you the structure of a component.
class thing(Component):
name = "thing" # the name here will the name going to be used in `root.render()`
def item(props: dict):
return "<p>THING</p>" # the item function is where the html code is presented.
now firstly we need to import the Component
class, which is the base class.
from Lemon.components import Component
then let's write a basic post component
class BlogPost(Component):
name = "BlogPost"
def item(props: dict):
return f"""
<h3>By {props['author']}</h3>
(you can change it however you like.)
now in the app.py
file import it like this.
from Components.components import BlogPost
then change the Root.add function like this,
now you can test it out by removing the "Hello World" from the App components item
function, and adding the BlogPost
<BlogPost title='Hello World' author='Your-Name' body='Lorem Ispum Dorem Almet why is this used everywhere?'/>
(above is an example)
Now if you run it, you should see something like below.
Hello World
Lorem Ispum Dorem Almet why is this used everywhere?
Now, that the component is created an working let's move onto part 3.