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Version: 1.3.5


The module responsible for initializing and creating components.

Component [Class] | (self, name, stylesheet=None, script=None)

The base component class

class TestComponent(Component):
name = "TestComponent"

def item(props: dict):
return """
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>Lorem ispum</p>

When naming Components, Always make the first letter Capital as if your writing names.

Attributes, Properties and Functions

add [Function] | (self, components: list or object)

Adds a component(s) to a list. to parse.


parse [Function] | (self, Root, prop: list) | < Developer-Function >

The function that parses the string.

render [Function] | (self, app: str)

The function that will render the component

response.text = Root.render("<WarningComponent/>")

item [Function] | (self, props: dict)

The function where the components html/elements are present

# must be inside your component class.
def item(props: dict):
return f"""