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The server, the main backend. (which contains routes and etc..)

Server [Class] | (self, static_dir="public")

The Server Methods

from Lemon.Server import server

app = server.Server(None) #place None here if you don't have any static files.

Attributes, Properties and Functions

wsgi_app [Function] | (self, environ, start_response) | < Developer-Function >

returns a response with environ.

add_route [Function] | (self, path, handler)

This function adds route django style!.

def index(request, response):
response.text = "Hello World!"

app.add_route("/", index)

add_exception_handler [Function] | (self, exception_handler)

Adds a sever exception handler.

def custom_exception_handler(request, response, exception_cls):
response.text = "Oops!, Something went wrong!"


route [Decorator(Function)] | (self, path)

the route decorator.

#Function Based Handler
def index(request, response):
request.text = "Hello World"

#Class Based Handler
class Index():
def get(self, req, res):
res.text = "Hello World"

def post(self, req, res):
res.text = req.json

handle_request [Function] | (self, request) | < Developer-Function >

Handles incoming requests.

Creates a cookie 🍪

def index(request, response):
add_cookie(response, "Hello", "world")

Deletes a cookie 🍪🤏🏽

def index(request, response):
delete_cookie(response, "Hello")

Gets a cookie 📦

def index(request, response):
get_cookie(request, "Hello")

add_middleware [Function] | (self, middleware_cls)

Adds a middleware to run.

app.add_middleware(PrintMiddleWare) # <- Fake name "PrintMiddleWare"

test_session [Function] | (self, base_url="http://testserver") < Developer-Function >

The testing session used in tests.

run [Function] | (self, host="", post=8000)

Runs the app.