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Version: 1.3.5

Part 3: Building the api.

Now that we got the basic front-end down.

We now have to focus on the back-end, which is the API.

let's start of by creating a routes called /api/get and /api/post

so the basic decorator to create the route is.

def route(request, response):
response.text = "route"

now since /api/get is uses a GET method we can just make it a normal route.

@app.route("/api/get/{post_id:d}") # the {post_id} is an argument in the url. the d means digit.
def api_get(request, response, post_id):
#for now let's just return the post_id
response.json = { "post_id": post_id }

now for the /api/post we have to use a class for this.

class api_post():
def get(self, req, res):
res.text = "method not allowed"
def post(self, req, res):

here the body of the request is printed. now the basic api is implemented let's move to part 4.